Source code for awkward_pandas.accessor

from __future__ import annotations

import functools
import inspect

import awkward as ak
import pandas as pd

from awkward_pandas.array import AwkwardExtensionArray
from awkward_pandas.dtype import AwkwardDtype
from awkward_pandas.strings import StringAccessor

funcs = [n for n in dir(ak) if inspect.isfunction(getattr(ak, n))]

[docs] @pd.api.extensions.register_series_accessor("ak") class AwkwardAccessor:
[docs] def __init__(self, pandas_obj): if not self._validate(pandas_obj): raise AttributeError("ak accessor called on incompatible data") self._obj = pandas_obj self._arr = None
@property def extarray(self): if self._arr is None: if isinstance(self._obj, AwkwardExtensionArray): self._arr = self._obj elif isinstance(self._obj.dtype, AwkwardDtype) and isinstance( self._obj, pd.Series ): # this is a pandas Series that contains an Awkward self._arr = self._obj.values elif isinstance(self._obj.dtype, AwkwardDtype): # a dask series - figure out what to do here raise NotImplementedError else: # this recreates series, possibly by iteration self._arr = AwkwardExtensionArray(self._obj) return self._arr @property def array(self) -> ak.Array: """Get underlying awkward array""" return self.extarray._data def __getitem__(self, items): """Extract components using awkward indexing""" ds = self.array.__getitem__(items) index = None if items[0]: if not isinstance(items[0], str) and not ( isinstance(items[0], list) and isinstance(items[0][0], str) ): index = self._obj.index[items[0]] return pd.Series(AwkwardExtensionArray(ds), index=index)
[docs] def to_column(self) -> pd.Series: """Convert awkward series to regular pandas type Will convert to numpy or string[pyarrow] if appropriate. May fail if the conversion cannot be done. """ data = self.array if data.ndim > 1: raise ValueError # TODO: if all_strings(data) - accept ?str if data.layout.parameter("__array__") == "string": from pandas.core.arrays.string_arrow import ArrowStringArray new_ak_array = ak.to_arrow( data, string_to32=True, extensionarray=False, ) return pd.Series(ArrowStringArray(new_ak_array)) else: return pd.Series(ak.to_numpy(data))
[docs] def to_columns( self, cull: bool = True, extract_all: bool = False, awkward_name: str = "awkward-data", ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Extract columns from an awkward series Where the series is a record type, each field may become a regular pandas column. Parameters ---------- cull: bool For those columns that we convert into regular ones, remove them from the original awkward series if True extract_all: bool If False (default), only extract columns that can turn into normal pandas columns. If True, all columns will be extracted, but those that cannot be converted retain "awkward" type awkward_name: str If there are leftover columns in the original series, in the resultant dataframe, these leftovers will get this column name Returns ------- pd.DataFrame """ s = self._obj fields = self.array.fields out = {} for field in fields: try: out[field] = s.ak[field].ak.to_column() except Exception: if extract_all: out[field] = s.ak[field] if cull and extract_all: pass elif cull: n = or awkward_name outfields = [_ for _ in fields if _ not in out] if outfields: out[n] = s.ak[outfields] else: out[] = s return pd.DataFrame(out)
@staticmethod def _validate(obj): return isinstance( obj, (AwkwardExtensionArray, ak.Array, ak.Record) ) or isinstance(obj.values, AwkwardExtensionArray) # def to_arrow(self): # return self.array.to_arrow() # def cartesian(self, other, **kwargs): # if isinstance(other, AwkwardExtensionArray): # other = other._data # return AwkwardExtensionArray(ak.cartesian([self.array, other], **kwargs)) @property def str(self) -> StringAccessor: return StringAccessor(self) def __getattr__(self, item): """Call awkward namespace function on a series""" # replace with concrete implementations of all top-level ak functions if item not in dir(self): raise AttributeError func = getattr(ak, item, None) if func: @functools.wraps(func) def f(*others, **kwargs): others = [ other._data if isinstance(getattr(other, "_data", None), ak.Array) else other for other in others ] ak_arr = func(self.array, *others, **kwargs) # TODO: special case to carry over index and name information where output # is similar to input, e.g., has same length if isinstance(ak_arr, ak.Array): # TODO: perhaps special case here if the output can be represented # as a regular num/cupy array return pd.Series( AwkwardExtensionArray(ak_arr), index=self._obj.index ) return ak_arr else: raise AttributeError return f def apply(self, fn): """Perform function on all the values of the series""" result = fn(self.array) if isinstance(result, ak.Array): return pd.Series(AwkwardExtensionArray(result)) return result def __dir__(self) -> list[str]: return [ _ for _ in (dir(ak)) if not _.startswith(("_", "ak_")) and not _[0].isupper() ] + ["to_column"]